Sunday, February 22, 2015


Eliana and Leah are truly the most wonderful artists.  I love everything that they create, and love watching the progression of their creations.  But, I am drowning in their creative pursuits.  They constantly, draw, paint, and color, at home, school and church.  There is no end to the amount of artwork that they produce.  And so inevitably I must throw out a lot of artwork and projects because I can't possibly store it all.  I have saved a lot already, but my storage places are overflowing!  Each time I throw something away I feel a twinge of guilt.  Considering that I am throwing things away constantly, the guilt is pretty constant.  Do all moms throw their kids art away?  Is their any other option?  If I didn't throw it away, I feel like my house could be on Hoarders with the amount that they produce.  Yet I still feel terrible!!!

This post is to highlight some of the creations of the last week or two, and to illustrate just how much they create, just how beautiful it is, and just how difficult it is to dispose of such beauty!

Leah's Masterpieces:

Leah's beautiful watercolor

Valentine for Mom & Dad (SHE WROTE MOM & DAD HERSELF!)
Inside of the precious Valentine

Van Gogh's Sunflowers - this should really be framed and on a wall!

Leah practices writing the word "No" and the letter "I" over and over! (REDRUM!)

A masterpiece from the easel. This is #347 in the easel series.

I asked her who she was and she said, "Abraham Luther King Jr." Eliana and I had a good chuckle.

From Left to Right: Mommy, Leah, Eliana  (Awww!) (Sorry Daddy!)

Eliana's Masterpieces:

Eliana with her first book report.  This is the "visual."

This is the report she did about Althea Gibson. She did all that writing herself!  So Proud!

"I would get Mr. King peace for his birthday" hat (3 dimensional art is even more challenging to store!!)

It is much more difficult to throw away art that has Jesus' name on it!
Cheerful Rainbow (front side)

"Rain and Sunshine is like a worm hug." (Back Side) Who doesn't like a worm hug??

I love her too, Emma, I love her too!

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