Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Best Laid Plans

A few days after my last post, I woke up with excruciating pain down my neck, shoulder blade and arm.  Summer was just beginning; there was excitement in the air and plans for all kinds of family fun and vacation days.  It turned out to be herniated and bulging disks in my neck, and six weeks later the saga is still ongoing.  So, despite our best plans, the summer has been filled with doctor visits, physical therapy, acupuncture, and cervical steroid epidurals.  Of course, God has blessed us in the midst of this trial, as with any trial we've experienced.  The kids have enjoyed lots of visits from Gran, Nana, Papa and Aunt Jessie, as I've needed lots of help to be able to take care of them.  (For nearly a month I could not even pick Leah up!)  Our family and church family has faithfully prayed for us and supported us.  And Pete has had the opportunity to be even more of a hands-on Daddy than he already was, as some days he has needed to do absolutely everything for the girls.  As I have been gradually getting better, we've even managed to do some of the fun summer things that we had planned.  

Eliana made it to the beach twice, and loved running in the waves.  She had her first bus ride while visiting Gran on Roosevelt Island and loved every minute of it.  She had her first train ride on an excursion to Franklin Square (Philadelphia, not NY), and her first taxi ride.  Eliana is also back to wearing underwear, after taking a hiatus because she wanted to be a baby.  She is learning to recognize more letters and taking an interest in spelling and reading.  She can count to ten in Spanish, thanks to Dora!  Eliana is looking forward to preschool starting again in the fall, especially because now she will be with the “3’s.”

Leah has just turned 11 months old, and took her first steps a few days ago.   She says Da-Da all the time, but has yet to say Ma-Ma.  She has four teeth, and a great appetite.  She is sweet as can be, blows kisses, waves bye, gives lots of hugs, dances whenever she hears music, and loves her big sister.  I can't believe that Leah will be one year old in less than a month.  As I reflect on the past year, I must say that it has been a rough one.  Since Leah's birth, we have struggled with one health issue after another between Peter and myself, while trying to manage life with two little girls.  The struggles have made us even more appreciative of all of our blessings, and of the many “easy” years that we have had up until now!  We are grateful that none of our health issues have turned out to be anything all that serious, and we are so thankful to have two girls who are happy and healthy, and who are developing so well!  It does make me wonder, where would we be without our faith in God, a strong marital union, and the love of our family and friends?  While it is true that I am hoping that the year to come will be a year of excellent health for everyone, I will trust God, and his plans for us.  
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

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