Aunt Jenise met Leah for the first time, and quickly became reacquainted with Eliana. Eliana was instantly in love. It did not hurt matters that Aunt Jenise brought presents each and every time she entered our house. (All month!) But, even presents aside, it soon became clear that Aunt Jenise was a lot cooler than Mommy. First of all, she is into princesses. She knows every Disney princess story, and even sings the songs from the movies, on key! Eliana and Leah both enjoyed snuggling up on Aunt Jenise's lap to listen to Disney princess songs on You Tube.
Leah's pretty picky about who she hangs with, and you can see she is quite happy with Aunt Jenise. Jenise got to experience just how snuggly and cuddly the little one is. And I got to stay out of the Slime Bucket, which makes me really queasy!
Aunt Jenise even helped out with bath time, and did hair too! Not to mention manicures and pedicures for both girls.
This is a very rare moment in Dillard life. Both girls are actually sleeping here - not pretending! Eliana falls asleep in the car about twice a year, so it is a big moment! This was on the way to Wegman's. (Aunt Jenise may have been pretending!)
Daddy of course took the opportunity to sleep.
Even Mommy decided to take a little snooze. Actually though, the funny part was how energized the little cherubs were once we got into Wegmans. Eliana of course only wanted to hang with Aunt Jenise. Aunt Jenise, being much cooler than Mommy, lets Eliana get away with a lot. Like, running up and down the aisles of Wegmans. Poor Aunt Jenise! She needed a real nap after this excursion.
Aunt Jenise proved her bravery by babysitting these girls by herself, and even braving the playground and The Little Treehouse with them. It was great to have some date time with Pete while she babysat! But, it was even greater to watch the bond forging between these ladies. It was kind of surreal. I distinctly remember us promising each other that we'd always be friends, even when we had kids, even when we got to be REALLY old, like 30! Part of me still feels like that 14 year old getting into mischief all the time with Jenise . . and as much as everything is different now, a lot of things are still the same too. It was great having Jenise around all month and getting to spend so much time together after all these years. It made me wish that Rochester and Glenside were a lot closer, but grateful that some friendships just graduate to sisterhood, so distance is not such an obstacle.
So, it's been a few weeks since Aunt Jenise has gone back to Rochester. But Eliana still remains the President of the Fan Club. She is missing her Aunt Jenise. She's told me that sometimes she imagines that Aunt Jenise is her Mommy, that she really wants us to take a trip to Rochester to visit her, and that I should learn some more princess songs.
We all miss you and love you! Hope that this year is as amazing and special as you are!!!