Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Princess & The Peanut

So, I haven’t posted in a while . . . but it is not totally my fault!  I had a partial thyroidectomy in the beginning of the month due to a large benign nodule on my thyroid.  Big thanks to Nana and Papa for stepping in to care for the girls.  With the grandparents spending a week here, and then the girls and I spending a week in NY, the experience was quite enjoyable for everyone. (Although I do blame them for Leah’s newfound insistence on being carried at all times!)   
What’s new with Eliana:
My Princess Eliana is now fully potty trained!  Makes life easier in many ways, and harder in others.  She LOVES going to public restrooms – the supermarket, turnpike rest stops, doctor’s offices – you name it!  Often multiple times in a row!  She LOVES to tell you she has to go pee-pee and cannot hold it any time you’re driving in the car.  Or, on a walk.  Or, in church.  You get the idea.  She also likes to take off her pants, panties, and socks, every time she goes to the bathroom.  And her most fun pastime is hand washing, which she will gladly do for a solid half hour, until she is thoroughly soaked from head to toe, if given the opportunity.

Eliana really enjoys helping me cook, loves to be read to, and loves imaginative play.  Most often she likes to pretend she is Dora, and I am Boots.  Or, she is Caillou and I’m Rosie, and Leah is Gilbert the cat.  Or, her favorite:  I’m Aunt Jessie, she is Sara, and Leah is Weezy the cat.  Eliana also had her first trip to the dentist – which was a huge success!  It was worth it to wait until she was a little older, because she tolerated it much better now than she would have a year ago.  And she had her first trip to the aquarium.  Highlights for Eliana included the stingrays, the penguins, and the water fountains.  Choosing words carefully, lets just say El has been especially spirited of late.  Her most recent Bible memory verse was Ephesians 6:1, "Children obey your parents in the Lord:  for this is right." and at times she will begin to quote this scripture when she knows she is misbehaving.  So yes, she is “spirited,” but she is also so brilliant, hilarious, creative and loving, and I certainly wouldn’t trade any of it! 

1st Visit to the Dentist
Spending the day with Big Cousin Sara in NY

What’s new with Leah:

Leah, my little Peanut, can balance herself sitting up, and is thinking about crawling.  She has gone from a laid back, easy baby, to a baby who wants to be carried all the time and cries, fusses, or yells when she is put down.  I joke that she is turning into Eliana because of this trait, and also her tendency to take 20-minute naps!  She is teething and drooling on everything and everyone.  She is no longer allowed to teethe on me because she gave me two big purple hickeys on my chin that look like grotesque bruises!  (I won’t be posting a picture of that!)  She is eating solid foods – starting with rice cereal, and in the past week sweet potatoes – and seems to have a great appetite.  And the girl has a lot to say – she talks nonstop.  Best of all though are her smiles, and when she wraps her arms around my neck to hug me!
First Rice Cereal:  Given by Daddy, the "Master Feeder"

Love that Smile